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Writer's pictureApril Waverly

But why April?

For those of you who don‘t know, my first name is not really April. This is my pen name for writing purposes. I chose April for the month I was born and of course because of April O’Neil from TMNT. When I was younger I never really appreciated my birthday’s proximity to Easter, but I loved the fact that it was the start of spring and had diamond for the birthstone.

So as much as I didn’t enjoy sharing the month with Easter I loved all things about April. Although the first day of Spring falls in March, the flowers really start to show their colors in April. The world opens up and activities outdoors spring into action. I loved sharing my birthday with this rebirth in nature.

It’s the start of my favorite time of year with Lyra. We will get to go see animals at petting zoos, draw on the driveway, fly kites, blow tons of bubbles, and smell all the flowers that come up to bloom. So with this past sunny Sunday we took advantage of the weather to go see some little fuzzy friends at Halas Farm.

It was too funny watching her announce “Hi” over and over to the different animals. She crowed with the rooster and oinked at the pig so excited to see all the baby animals. We are so excited for a busy Spring doing all our favorite activities and watching all the other little creatures coming out to enjoy the sun too.

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